Manchester NH Recording Classes: What You Need To Know To Create A Professional Sounding Mix.

Manchester NH Recording Classes: What You Need To Know To Create A Professional Sounding Mix.

Piano Lessons in Manchester NHWhat makes a professional sounding mix? Clarity? Warmth? Definition? Balance? All of the above? Yes!! But what most people don’t understand is that, by learning a few important techniques regarding EQ, compression and effects, it’s very possible to create professional sounding mixes in your home studio. It’s not the equipment as much as it is knowing how to use what you have. Our recording classes, taught right in our Manchester NH recording studio, can teach you to use the equipment that you have to create great sounding mixes right from your home studio.

Equalization is probably the most important factor in mixing. Learning how to properly set an EQ (and specifically, high pass technique) will create more definition in mixes by eliminating frequency masking. Frequency masking is the number one culprit in robbing your mixes of that professional sound.

Compression is an important tool to achieve balance. Voices and some instruments have a natural tendency to have a wide dynamic range. Setting a compressor on these tracks at a moderate amount will allow you to achieve a dynamic balance which will give your mixes a more professional sound.

Reverb, when used correctly and with a purpose, can aid in blending tracks that would otherwise seem out-of-place.

NHTunes teaches these techniques at our Manchester NH recording studio. Our classes are affordable, and are run on Saturday mornings. To check on the current course schedule, or to sign up for a course, call the Manchester Community College Workforce Development Center to 603-206-8160.