So You Don’t Play The Ukulele But Want To Join In On The Fun? No Problem!!! How To Get Started With The Manchester Ukulele Club!

As of August 30th 2018, we have found it necessary stop our weekly MUC sessions. A big thank-you to those who have supported the group, it’s been a great couple of years!
For those interested in continuing to learn, we are still offering private ukulele lessons, and would love to continue to see you at the studio!

Would you like to join the fun with the Manchester Ukulele Club but you don’t play the ukulele and you don’t know where to start? Getting started is easy, and we’ll here to help you do it! Within just a few weeks, you can be confidently joining in the fun!

Manchester Ukulele

The Manchester Ukulele Club is fun!!

First off, if you don’t own a ukulele you’ll need to acquire one. We sell beginner ukuleles at the studio for very reasonable prices (between $70 and $85), or you can order one online, or better yet borrow one from a friend! If you purchase one outside of the studio, be sure to get one with geared tuners, as some lower priced beginner models have friction tuners which are hard to tune and keep in tune.

Once you have a ukulele, you can take a few private lessons to acquire the basic skills that you’ll need to feel confident playing along with others in a group setting. With just three or four private lessons, you’ll learn the basic chords and strumming skills needed for the next step. See more on our lessons HERE.

Manchester Ukulele

The Manchester Ukulele Club

Once you’ve taken a few lessons and feel comfortable playing a few songs, it’s time to join us on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm for the Manchester Ukulele Club! You don’t necessarily need to join the club, we allow paying ‘at the door’ if you’re unsure of your commitment.
That’s it!! In just a few evenings, and for well less than $200, you’ll be ready to join in the fun with the Manchester Ukulele Club!!
To recap, you’ll need to purchase a ukulele,  and take three or four private lessons; that’s it – you’re ready to go!playing-guitar-clipart-Guitar-clip-art-10
If you’re interested in getting started, call the studio at 603-660-2208, or e-mail HERE.