Keep Music Lessons Fun! At NHTunes we believe that music and voice lessons shouldn’t be a chore; weekly lessons should be something that
Music lessons should be something each student looks forward to!
each student looks forward to, even when they don’t have a lot of practice time in between lessons. Enjoying your music lessons will not only keep you coming back, they will keep you learning! How do we keep music lessons fun?
- Keep expectations real
- Let’s face it, each student learns at a different pace. Keeping expectations real means working with each student with assignments that are in line with their learning pace. Trying to learn too quickly will only cause frustration. To keep music lessons fun, our instructors will give you material to work on between lessons which are appropriate for your skill level, and speed of improvement.
- Work on material the student knows and likes
- Keeping music lessons fun means learning what you want to learn! We pick songs to learn that the students know and like. There are plenty of ‘mainstream’ songs that are relatively easy to play, and appropriate for beginners. Learning songs that you have always wanted to play is very inspiring and motivating for students.
- Don’t focus too much on the technical aspects
- It’s easy to get caught up in music theory, but when it comes down to it, many popular songs break the rules as defined by the theory, and you don’t need to understand theory to play music well, or even write your own songs. If you stick with lessons, over time you’ll learn theory to support your playing, but too much focus on technical aspects, especially for new students, can create confusion and dissatisfaction.
- Create achievable goals & recognize accomplishments
- Goal setting is an important element with structured learning. Accomplishments of any type, no matter how small, should be recognized and celebrated. Goals should be short-term and achievable, and when achieved will create a sense of accomplishment and pride for both the student and instructor. There is something very satisfying in seeing your skills improve on your instrument of choice.
- “Assign” practice points
- The overall goal of a music lesson is to assign material that the student can work on in between lessons. At the conclusion of each lesson, instructors should make sure the student is clear on what to work on, with the proper technique. Correct technique becomes extremely important as a student progresses. We understand that many students, especially adults, may not have as much time as they would like to practice in between lessons. Knowing this, our instructors will review the previously assigned material, and maybe give them some different material of the same level to keep them motivated, and of course keep music lessons fun!
If you believe in our lesson philosophy to keep music lessons fun, and would like to get started, we make it EASY! You can schedule one lesson using our scheduler below. Choose from singing, piano, guitar, ukulele, drums, or band instruments. Each lesson type is available both in-studio or online via zoom! Want more information first? Click HERE.
NHTunes is located in Manchester NH, 250 Commercial St, which is the Waumbec Mill. Take I-93 North to I-293 North, then take Exit 5 (Granite St.). When you cross over the Granite St. bridge towards Elm, your first left after the bridge is Commercial St. Take that left, and the Waumbec Mill is about a quarter mile on your left. Parking is free anywhere in the front mill parking lot (before 4pm use spaces that are designated ‘Customer Parking’). Use the largest entrance, which is the main entrance (the left side has two loading docks). Go up the stairs, take a left, and NHTunes is a few suites down on the right (2017). Call 660-2208 if you need additional directions.