NHTunes began in July of 2010 in a sublet suite in the Waumbec Mill in Manchester NH by then IT project manager Bob Desmarais. Although an IT manager by profession, Bob’s real passion was music. Bob’s vision was to open a full service music studio that offered music and voice lessons, as well as recording services. He continued part time with his new business, working days at his IT job and nights at the studio through the remainder of 2010, and most of 2011. By the fall of ’11, he had acquired three additional music instructors (two of which are still with us!), and NHTunes had grown to almost 40 music and voice students. Forecasting steady growth, Bob decided to go full time with the business. He left his IT job of nearly 25 years in November 2011.
Circa 2011, our original 900 sq ft space in Manchester’s Waumbec mill. On the right are two of the three lesson/recording rooms.
By the end of 2015, the studio had eight music and voice instructors, and over 90 music students! This steady growth is mainly attributed to word-of-mouth advertising combined with a strong web presence, and an extremely streamlined online lesson sign-up process.
As of early 2019, NHTunes now employs a dozen voice and music instructors, and and our student base is quickly approaching 150! The recording studio continues to keep busy recording soloists, bands, and voice overs for radio and commercial spots. We’ve recently renewed our current space lease for five more years, and at this rate of growth, scheduling open lesson rooms may be challenging before our lease expires!