We have several exciting courses this summer at NHTunes! Learn how to record and mix, learn more about the Voice Over field, or perfect your songwriting skills!

Audio Engineering Course
Do you want to learn more about recording and mixing? Do you record and mix and home and are looking to up your game? Check out our Audio Engineering course! Our Audio Engineering course, run in conjunction with Manchester Community College, can be thought of as a general recording and mixing course, and is perfect for musicians and non-musicians alike that record and mix at home. The 4-week course covers the entire signal chain from microphones to studio monitors, and everything in between. It covers key concepts like Insert vs. Send, compression, EQ, gating, and more. One class is devoted entirely to mixing down tracks from an actual studio session.
Simply put, our recording class in is designed to educate you so that you can create better mixes from your home studio that translate well. The four-week course costs $175. Our next course begins Saturday, June 4th, from 10am to noon. Class size is limited to 5 students. You can sign up for the course here: http://nhtunes.biz/sign- up-for-recording-classes/
Voice Over Course
When you sign up for the “Introduction To Voice Over” course, JC Haze shares his wealth of knowledge to help you get started in your OWN voice over career! JC will coach you through scripts and help you be the best voice actor you can be!
- How to voice commercial copy and narrations
- Pay-to-Play websites
- How to audition
- How to dissect a script
- Multiple-person scripts
- How to build your OWN studio, for UNDER $500
- Marketing in voice overs
- What Casting Agents look-for
- What a voice over demo should sound like
- How being an ACTOR can help you be a great voice over.
And much more!
The course is $199, and starts Monday June 6th, 6-8pm, and runs for 4 Mondays through Monday June 27th. It’s held at NHTunes recording studio, in Manchester’s historic Millyard! Class size is limited to six students. You can sign up for the course here: http://nhtunes.biz/ product/vo_class/
Songwriting Essentials Course
Express your creative side with a beginner course in Songwriting Essentials! Learn how to write catchy lyrics and beautiful sounding musical progressions in a 5 session long course here at NHTunes.
The class teaches what you will need to bring y our lyric ideas to life, and pair those lyrics with a basic accompaniment any musician could assist you with. Although the class won’t teach you how to play a specific instrument, it will enable you to give an instrumentalist an excellent foundation to build upon. We will talk about the different methods of writing melodies and chords, discuss what are some ways to record your song so you can get it to the people it was meant for. Lastly, we will be going over different platforms that you get your music heard both online and in public settings.
Bring an eagerness to learn and an openness to share.
The class instructor is Jessica Mimms. Jessica has been playing music for over 15 years, and is an experienced competitor in vocal performance. Her experience in the field of music ranges from elementary instrumental education to advanced voice, music theory, and composition.
The Songwriting Essentials class starts Friday June 24th, 5:30-7pm, and runs for 5 Fridays, through July 22nd. They take place at NHTunes recording studio, in Manchester’s historic Millyard! Class size is limited to 8 students. You can sign up for the course here: http://nhtunes.biz/product/songwriting-course/